In recent days we have heard so many, among them a statement by Hillary Clinton about Giorgia Meloni is striking: “The election of the first woman premier in a country always represents a break with the past, and it is certainly a good thing. But then, as for any leader, woman or man, she must be judged for what she does “.
I struggle to consider exceptional the fact that in Italy a female prime minister, as possibly in this case, really represents the female world and least of all a break with the past. On the contrary, lately, in Italy and in the world there is an increasingly overbearing tendency to want to go back. In America, many women leaders on the right are against abortion and in favor of guns. Women who actually seem to hate women, women who support male power and that of patriarchy, women who are afraid of women’s freedom.
It is unimaginable to call into question the rights won by them with years of struggles and torments. It is unimaginable if a man does it, let alone a woman. But perhaps the truth is that to discuss certain things it does not matter the sex of those who do it (I do not want to fall into this error), what counts is the sensitivity that one possesses. And sensitivity has no sex.
As Maria Pranzo says in the letter received from the blog “Il Premier Donna”: “today it is clearer to me what happens when we move away from human reality”.
The themes are the most diverse, from immigration (on the theme “Migrants: Goods to choose or human beings?” Flash signed by Giacomo), to the values of the traditional family. All shouted out loud and ideologically argued by words that have the smell of repression, control, inhumanity.
Yesterday I read a letter addressed to Mrs. Meloni from Luca Trapanese, perhaps not everyone knows her story. Luca is a man (I’m not interested in telling you what he does for a living, where he was born, his sexual, religious or political orientation), a single father who has adopted Alba, a girl with Down syndrome.
I would like to try to tell you about this story by suspending any judgment on it and maybe I won’t be good enough to do it.
Alba is a child who was abandoned at birth, which none of the families on the adoption list wanted. Luca writes to Meloni asking her to go and visit their home to realize that the child is happy even if she does not have two parents “as desirable in a traditional family”. Luca asks to expand the possibility of adopting all the other children as single, not just those that no one wants.
Meloni replies that: “it is right that in particular situations like yours there can be a full-fledged adoption”.
In short, a story with a happy ending. Except that a terrifying afterthought comes to me, a strange movement in the stomach and on the skin.
Are there any A-list humans and B-grade humans? This selection is scary. It has to be admitted.
What does this “particular situation” statement really mean?
I think every child has the right to be loved. I don’t feel like adding much more.
By pure chance I came across a 2018 film “Sono tornato” by Luca Miniero; it was a lazy late afternoon when I had decided to pick a light film and have a few lighthearted laughs. The film tells the hypothetical return of Benito Mussolini to our days. I didn’t laugh much despite the comic skills of the protagonists. The figure of Mussolini perfectly in tune in the television salons of modern talk shows makes us reflect deeply on the power that the media can exert in making their viewers forgetful and able to forgive even the most ferocious of criminals, because “in the end it did pure good things “. No! He didn’t do them.
The director describes well how you can take the wrong side because in today’s times a right selfie, some well-written like-catching phrase on social media is sympathetic and creates consensus.
The elections are close and never as this time is there to fear the worst. To go back, to forget, to ignore it, to consider everything that is different from us a threat or worse still “non-human”… it is dangerous.
Let’s make our voices heard now. Let’s go to vote because even if we don’t know which side to go we MUST know which side not to be on.
P.S. Perhaps, since the case does not exist, I did not come across this film for no reason! But I, on my own, have the certainty of the innate beauty of human beings that never makes me lose hope. Therefore, the real break with the past will not be determined by the election of a female prime minister. But a premier full of respect for human beings. All.
Valeria Verna
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